September is birthday month in our house. I am in charge of pulling off 3, yes 3 birthday parties within 11 days! We kicked off birthday fever with my son's second birthday. I decided to go with a construction theme and made the invites, decorations, and food myself. I know, that doesn't seem very lazy momish of me but it is cheap momish and sometimes that wins out. Also, birthdays are a big deal! They are a day to celebrate how much we love someone, remember the year that has gone by, and eat cake. We didn't invite many kiddos to this party - I mean really, how many friends does a 2 year old have? So we invited family, neighbors, and a few close friends. I have become very close friends with my Silhouette Cameo. You'll see the results below:

The next few pictures are just the general party decorations. I got a lot of things from Dollar Store. I so recommend checking out your closest store for table clothes, napkins, silverware, plates, streamers, and balloons.
We had the best time celebrating this special 2 year old! While he might not have been thrilled with the cake at first, he obviously changed his mind after he got a taste. Happy Birthday Colby!